Welcome to Unicorn Consulting

contact Unicorn Consulting
020 7272 2073


The right competencies can offer your
organisation a competitive advantage -
the wrong ones can send the
organisation in the wrong direction or
simply cause so much confusion that no-one is sure which way to go!

Unicorn can create a unique and robust competency framework for you, providing measurable criteria that support:

  • Recruitment - ensuring you get the skills and attributes that will make a positive difference to your business.
  • Development - enabling your people to clearly understand how to progress their careers.
  • Performance Management - creating an appraisal process that measures the behaviours and skills you value.

Unicorn can ensure that:

  • Your framework is relevant, simple and easy to use.
  • Your competencies reflect the culture, needs and aspirations of the organisation.
  • Everyone clearly understands what is expected of them, and what will be assessed.
  • The system brings motivation, not intimidation.



To find out more about Unicorn’s approach, contact us for an informal discussion.

Competency Frameworks can be used as part of: