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Development Centres

If you are looking at this section you
probably work for a forward thinking
company that genuinely invests in their
talent and sees these individuals as the
organisation’s future.

Development Centres are the key to talent growth and succession planning. 



What happens

When you take part in a Unicorn Development Centre you get an accurate and objective synopsis of your strengths and development areas in relation to your current and potential responsibilities. You can then decide where you want to invest your energy and if you want to adjust your approach.

Unicorn Development Centres often involve a combination of:

  • Role-plays
  • Group Activities
  • Presentations
  • Simulation Exercises
  • Written Exercises
  • 360° review


As part of this event you get your own Unicorn Coach to help you make sense of all your experiences and reflections and relate them back to your everyday world.

Benefits to participants

These events are a real gift from your organisation as you are given detailed insight into how you are perceived by others, and the impact you have. This level of attention enables you to make specific adjustments to your style and focus to further enhance your influence and success.

Benefits for the organisation

DCs are a powerful tool for identifying the potential of your emerging talent. Investing in them generates commitment, energy and enhanced performance, building a platform for continued organisational success.



Contact Unicorn to find out more about how Development Centres can enhance your
organisation's performance.

Development Centres can be used as part of: