Welcome to Unicorn Consulting

contact Unicorn Consulting
020 7272 2073

Contact Unicorn Consulting


Call:   020 7272 2073

or complete the contact form below. Please include your contact (mobile) number in the message box. We look forward to hearing from you.



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Please choose your area(s) of interest before submitting the form. Feel free to select more than one as required.


 Culture & OD
      Culture Change, Merging & Performance, Culture Analysis, One Team Culture, Engagement & Motivation, Vision &
      Strategy, Communication, Organisational Development.

      Team Building, Team Workshops & Training Leadership & Management Development, Performance Management
      Coaching, Psychometrics.

      Training & Coaching, Leadership & Mgt., Performance, Psychometrics, Development Centres, 360°.

      Culture Creation, Collaborative Working, Collaborative Performance.

      Wellbeing Programmes, Energy for Performance, Being in Balance.

      Assessment Centres, Competency Frameworks, Psychometrics.

